Could you be over stretching?
June 9, 2020I always thought an awakening would bring me comfort, hope and a connection to a deeper source. In fact the last 12 months have sent me into darkness I never would have believed existed. At times I have sounded crazy and as a result I have taken a step back from the communities in which I use to thrive and I have held back from sharing what I have discovered. What I have learnt from the experience is that awakenings are lonely and complicated. They have little to do with healing of one’s own self trauma and I never saw my awakening coming.
I was more content in my life than I’ve ever been. I was happy in my life, my work, my family. Yet seemingly unexpected and amidst the chaos in our external world something quite surreal happened to me. I was chosen to see things that I could never have imagined possible and the veil lifted.
I wanted to start this year by sharing some of this experience and also share my tangible tips to navigate the year ahead. I am not here to tell you to Eat better, Exercise more and Be Mindful. No…that time has passed to be honest. This year my intention is that as a collective we seek truth, new knowledge and question everything!
Most will stop reading about now…they are not ready to accept or explore a possible new reality. Many say they want change but are not ready to do the deeper work required to bring change into their life. But there will be some of you still reading that will have a sense of enquiry and perhaps an intuition that something isn’t quite right.
As we all approach a New Year with a positive outlook of what the future holds and set our intentions to manifest our own personal successes, take a moment to think about the bigger picture. 2023 by design is not going to be easy for many people and for now my own intention is to simply do what has been asked of me and awaken humanity on the silent war that is upon us. I believe whole heartedly that humanity is under threat and has been for some time. We have been suppressed of our spiritual growth and we have lost our connection to what is important. We have been conditioned into chasing superficial and materialistic goals as a means to measure our success, to pacify our ego and to distract us from our reality.
Its time to step out of the matrix system of excessive waste, greed and materialism and become a little less reliant on it and a little more self-sufficient.
So here are my 3 tips based on a fraction of what 2022 has taught me.
1. Switch off your TV! And not just your TV, minimise screen time on all your devices.
Not only will this save you money with the cost-of-living crisis but it will (quite literally) prevent you from being “Programmed” through your screens. Do a little research of your own on mind control technology created and if you do nothing else to seek verification of what I am telling you then check out this patent (the link is below) which shows the technology that already exists for Electromagnetic Mind Altering …and that’s just for starters!
If you really want to go down the rabbit hole explore MK Ultra, The Linda Machine and learn a little more about Wilhelm Reich. Reich was a discredited inventor after he refused to comply with the CIA. He secretly worked for the CIA to develop mind control frequencies. The exact frequencies used in our TVs, mobiles and devices. When he realised they had planned to use it on the general public he refused to work for the Government and soon after, he died suddenly.
Our governments have been using mind control technology on us for decades! We are quite simply being brain washed!
It has never been more important in the wake of 5G to protect ourselves from the enormous amounts of Electromagnetic Frequencies that we are being exposed to. But I will save the EMF discussion for another time!
2. Stop using fluoride!
They do not add this to your drinking water because they care about your teeth! In Europe only Ireland, Poland, Serbia, Spain and the U.K fluoridate their water. Most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population, do not consume fluoridated water. Their teeth are just fine! Did you know that the amount of fluoride in one tube of toothpaste is enough to kill a small child as it’s that toxic!
More information on fluoride and studies done can be found here https://fluoridealert.org/articles/50-reasons/
In summary Fluoride damages the brain and has the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain. Experiments have shown that fluoride accumulates in the brain, alters mental behaviour and impacts learning. Fluoride lowers IQ and most worrying of all is that Fluoride affects the pineal gland. Physiologically our pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland in the brain that releases the hormone melatonin. Melatonin has many therapeutic roles and is heavily implicated in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. The pineal gland also plays a significant role in our spiritual development and connection to our consciousness or higher self. This explains why so many people today are so detached from this concept and dismiss any spiritual connection as a far-out ideology.
Do yourself a favour and invest in a water filtration system and fluoride free toothpaste for starters!
3. Take time to create! Draw, sew, cook, sing, build, read, play, make.
This year more than ever take time to learn how to grow food. It’s no secret that 2023 will bring food shortages (by design) and with the cost of living crisis it has never been more important to grow a supply of food!
We’ve become the only living specie that does not hunt, forage or grow to survive. We pay to live in every aspect of our life. We have become content to let someone else do this for us whilst we work to pay for the privilege. This seemingly makes us feel superior as we sit at the top of the food chain. What it in fact makes us is reliant. Henry Kissinger once said;“ Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”
We work to keep a system moving, pay our taxes and spend much of life paying for water, energy, shelter, thus 100% dependent on ‘The System’. But what if the system went down? How many would have the basic skills to survive a complete system blackout? Essential survival skills have diminished though generations and in the last two generations the skills of our ancestors have been completely lost as we compromise survival for convenience. It’s no coincidence that our children are barely taught any of these basic life skills in schools with the focus of our education system on academia and the creation of the new modern and obedient slave. We have become dependent to the powers that control us. When you take time to critically think and rationalise, what it really comes down to is the fact that the only knowledge that really matters is how to purify water, how to grow your own food, how to cook, how to build, how to love and how to live. Funnily we are not taught any of this in our current school system.
In conclusion…
As we enter the next phase of what will be a geo political awakening like no other we will be one step closer to the spiritual awakening of humanity. Some will embrace the challenge and the change whilst others will sadly perish. Regardless the end game is near and everything humanity has suffered and will suffer is a means to the end.
For now friends, stay awake, stay healthy and stay safe in 2023.